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Turning Off Tremors with Treatment for Parkinson's By Dr. Paresh Doshi In India
Overview: Parkinson’s disease is a disorder resulting from degeneration of nerve cells inside the part of the brain referred to as the substantianigra, which controls movement. Characteristics of Par
Achieve Maximal Benefits By Minimally Invasive Approach With Dr. Bipin Swarn Walia
Overview: Spinal tumors that develop from the nerve roots that come off the spinal cord are known as nerve sheath tumors. This type of tumor is commonly benign and slow to spread. Surgery is consider
Minimally Invasive Surgery for Spinal Tumours New Help By Dr. Bipin Swarn Walia
Overview: Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) for spinal procedures is an evolving field and is a promising therapeutic treatment option for patients with both primary and metastatic spinal column tumor
Low Cost Vertebral Body Tethering Surgery by Top Surgeons in India
Vertebral Body Tethering was presented in the US around five years back. It is a treatment utilized in kids with scoliosis. Tether long side of the bend while which permits development on the concave
Dr. S. Karunakaran Treating Pain Responsibly In The Midst of An Opioid Epidemic
Questions and answers with a Dr. S. Karunakaran best spine surgeon at Global Hospital at Chennai India Dr. S. Karunakaran specialized in spine surgery an accomplished spine surgeon with about 20 year
Why Choose Destination India for Best Kyphosis Surgery
Kyphosis is a forward rounding of the back. Some rounding is ordinary; however, the term "kyphosis" usually refers to an exaggerated rounding of the back. While kyphosis can happen at any age, it's mo
Dr Sandeep Vaishya Country's Globally Trusted Gamma Knife Specialist
Overview: Gamma Knife® radiosurgery, also known as stereotactic radiosurgery, is a type of radiation used to deal with brain disorders. Despite its name, this procedure does not involve a surgica
India amongst the best destination's for herniated disc problems
Overview of Herniated Disc People those who are suffering from weakness of lower extremity muscles, back pain, leg pain, are diagnosed with herniated disc. The herniated disc occurs when the cushion
Dr. Paresh Doshi Patients Get a New Ray of Hope With Deep Brain Stimulation
Overview: Deep brain stimulation is a surgical operation which helps people suffering with some neurological problems, like Parkinson ailment, crucial tremor, epilepsy, and dystonia, a movement disor
Dr Deepu Banerji A True Commitment to Less Invasive Neurosurgery in India
Overview: Neurosurgery frequently involves achieving into complex area of the brain, the skull base, or the spinal cord. The goal of Neurosurgery is to treat the disorder even as keeping the delicate
Bipin S Walia Expert in Minimally Invasive Approaches Treating Spine Tumor
Overview: Minimally invasive percutaneous imaging- guided strategies were proven to be safe and powerful for the treatment of benign tumors of the spine. Surgical removal of a spine tumor is indica
Life Saving Brachial Plexus Surgery With Dr. Sandeep Vaishya in India
Overview: The brachial plexus is complicated of nerves, originating from the spine, giving branches thru the neck, the axilla, to the shoulder, arm, forearm, and hand. Nerves are like electrical cab
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